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July 21, 2019 Tips for Raising Your Vibration

When you raise your vibration, everything else takes care of itself.  When you’re vibrating with the emotions, thoughts and feelings of joy, love, gratitude, appreciation and excitement life becomes effortless and so many of our problems seem to just take care of themselves or we just don’t define them as problems any more.  But how do you raise your vibration?

One of my spiritual teachers, Bashar describes reality as a series of frequencies and that to shift our reality all we need to do is shift the frequency that we are vibrating at.  He says it is like a television with thousands of version of reality being broadcast in every moment and if we don’t like the experience we are tuned into all we need do is change the channel. 

There are likely endless ways you can shift your energy and raise your vibration and most of them begin the same way with setting an intention to shift.  Just by intended to vibrate a little higher, you start vibrating a little higher.  

One of the most powerful tools for manifesting yourself at a higher frequency is use of the words “I am”  Whatever follows these two simple words begins to manifest the moment we say it, write it or even think it.  Use them wisely.  

Your subconscious mind takes these words as a common and will begin to move you towards actions and ways of being that support what follows those words.  “I am happy” will begin to manifest feelings and states of happiness and “I am sad” will manifest feelings and thoughts and states of sadness.  

“I am” are great words for creating powerful affirmations, positive phrases you tell yourself to begin raising your vibration.  Affirmations work best when they are in the present tense and bring up instant feelings or emotions.  We can write them down, or better yet speak them out loud.  

I love this You Tube video from ages ago of this little girl,  Jessica saying her affirmations into a mirror.   I think just watching this raises my vibration…. you can hear the baby in the back ground squeal as the energy rises.  

Now you may not be able to climb up on your sink and sing out your affirmations at the top of your lungs but there may be a way you can do your own version of this.  

It’s important that you believe your affirmations.  If it feels like a lie then it just won’t work. 
And that’s where the tapping comes in.  I’ve written about the tapping before so use this link for the details.  Speak or write down your affirmation, listen for the critical inner voice that doesn’t believe what you’ve written or said and tap on that.  

For Example if you write “I am Happy” and it feels like a lie then say the set up statement ,“Even though I don’t believe that I am happy, I love and accept myself”  as you tap the karate chop point then move through the sequence feeling and tapping on your blocks to happiness.

Tapping or EFT is a powerful tool for raising your vibration.  You can even tap on feelings you can’t name or identify clearly.  “Even though I’ve got this interesting feeling, I love and accept myself”.  Just allow whatever the feeling is to emerge and move through you as you tap. 

Tapping is a way to honor the truth of the vibration you are currently resonating at.  When we honor and embrace this truth the feeling has no more purpose and begins to release and as it does our vibration begins to shift in a positive direction.

Many of the tools I have shared on my blog will help raise your vibration.  The Ho’oponopono prayer pulls back the negativity you’ve put out into the universe and tunes you into gratitude and unconditional love, just by repeating like a mantra “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.”

“The Work” of Byron Katie by interrupting your toxic thinking and releasing judgments will raise your frequency.  “Judge your neighbor, write it down, ask four questions and turn it around.”

Add to all of these the power of breathing.  If you simply move your awareness to your breath you will shift your energy.  And if you deliberately take slow deep full breaths you will pull yourself out of any “fight or flight” and begin to allow blood to flow to the frontal cortex of your brain raising your vibration and allowing you to access higher wiser thoughts.

If you do full deep and continuous breaths with no pause between the inhale and exhale you can take yourself into amazing expanded and altered states of consciousness, especially when you add in evocative and powerful music.  This technique is called “Holotropic Breath Work” and is usually best experienced for the first time with a practitioner to guide you in the technique and help you stay in the state.    Learning this technique is the hallmark of a Sedona Soul Adventure and we have at least 9 practitioners that share this tool and thus we put a session of “Inner Journey with Breath and Sound” on nearly all of our spiritual retreats. 

Visiting Sedona or spending time in any vortex energy on the planet is another way to raise your vibration.  The earth’s electric and magnetic fields vibrate at a higher rate in vortex spots including at least 5 major locations here in Sedona.  We are the only place on the planet with so many scientifically measurable vortex spots within such close proximity to each other. 

Just being in nature and touching the earth with your bare skin will help bring you into harmony with the vibration of our planet and that too will likely raise your vibrational energy. 

Standing before a water fall or a flowing creek or river with that rush of natural energy and movement, or climbing to a top of mountain or vista where you can feel the rush of the wind and natural lifting energy of the land will also shift your energy.

Music has been used throughout the ages to change our vibrational state.  It’s why some sing in church, monks chant, and why so many spiritual practices include listening to or making music.  I have a play list of songs that I associate with higher energy and happy moment from my life. I love to put this on and crank up the volume and move my body to the music.

Movement, exercise, dancing all will shift your vibration.  Eating clean healthy foods and taking pure and healthy supplements can shift your vibration.  Reading, watching and listening to inspirational messages can in itself lift and change your vibration. 

Energy work including but not limited to Reiki, Polarity, Quantum Healing, Thai Chi, Chi Gong, Jin Shin Jyutsu, The Reconnection, Body Talk, Sound Therapy, Acupuncture, and more all shift our vibration.

Surrounding yourself or interacting with people of high vibration can in make shifting to a higher frequency easier and hanging out with those vibrating at a lower frequency can make it challenging.  

Saying yes to what excites you the most and no to what drains you will also shift your vibration. 

A few weeks ago I had the chance to experience a channeling with the Buddhist Goddess Quan Yin.  Her message was clear.  She said that we are experiencing more energy at higher frequencies on planet earth than ever before.  She said that all of our bodies are becoming more able to hold and share these frequencies and that all we need do is focus on feeling the energy expand within our bodies.  She said, “Now is the time to give up our stories of pain and suffering and tune into the higher vibrations.”  And she reminded me that when I raise my vibration everything else takes care of itself. 

If you want to come to Sedona and raise your vibration with energy work, tapping and shifts in your Core Belief book an in person session via .

If you want to come on a Soul Adventure shifting your energy in the vortexes of Sedona and experiencing the work of many amazing practitioners schedule a free 30 minute Angel Guide Consultation -

If you want to receive a remote Reiki Energy Healing and participate in a guided meditation - download this recording for free 

Or just take a moment and set a powerful intention to vibrate in the frequency of love and notice what happens.


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