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June 9, 2019 - Ho’oponopono The Ancient Hawaiian Prayer of Forgiveness

Here is a powerful prayer from the Ancient Hawaiians that can create miracles in your life.  The Kahuna's believe that the energy you put out into the world comes back to you and whatever energy shows up in your world is the consequence of what you've sent out.  This prayer is about shifting the energy you put out to gratitude and love.

Here is the prayer and it's four simple steps to create a powerful energy that transforms your world.

Step 1: Repentance – I’M SORRY
End the blame and claim responsibility for everything. You are responsible for everything in your mind. Once you realize that, it is only natural to feel sorry. This realization can hurt and you may resist accepting responsibility for things that look like they are happening outside off yourself. But everything on the outside is a reflection of something happening on the inside.

Step 2: Ask Forgiveness – PLEASE FORGIVE ME
This message may be to the one you’re in conflict with or to yourself or to God or the Universe. Don’t worry about who your are asking. Just ask! PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Repeat it over and over. Mean it. Feel the remorse that came up in step one as you ask again and again for forgiveness.

Step 3: Gratitude – THANK YOU
This is recognizing the divine perfection in everything. This is acknowledging that everything has a purpose and everything grows our souls. This helps us see what now is possible that wouldn’t be possible any other way. Gratitude is a powerful energy for manifestation.

Step 4: Love – I LOVE YOU
This is the power of unconditional love. Say it to the soul of the one you’re in conflict with. Say it to yourself. Say it to God. Say it to all that is. If you want to start and end the entire prayer with these three words, do it. Love is the ultimate truth. In speaking these words you are choosing love over fear in your world.

Use this tool whenever you are sensing conflict. You need not speak the words out loud nor direct them to any one in particular. You can think these words in your mind when a loved one is acting in an unloving way. Miracles have happened to those who use the energies of this prayer. Trust and allow and give this a try.


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