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June 2, 2019 - A Quick Guide To Tapping

A Quick Guide To Tapping

Emotional Freedom Techniques are based on Thought Field Technology or the Callahan method developed more than three decades ago by a psychiatrist who discovered it as a way to heal phobias and troubling emotional states.
 It was a complex series of tapping different sequences of acupressure points for different issues and took a long time to really learn.  One of his students, an engineer by the name of Gary Craig put his engineering mind to this process and came up with a dramatic simplification.  Craig’s process is called Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT and simply involves tapping every one of Callahan’s points for every single issue.  This means as you do this work it will be far easier than the Callahan Method but you will tap many spots where nothing at all happens. 

We start with a set up statement that you repeat three times out loud while tapping the karate chop point on either of your hands with the fingers of your other hand.  The karate chop point is on the fleshy side of your hand between the start of your wrist and your pinky.

The statement goes like this “Even though I feel _____________.  I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”  Tap the Karate Chop point and say this three times out loud.  This statement gives you permission to really dive into a negative feeling or thought without worry that it will make your problem worse.  When working with children make the statement fun and easy like “Even though I’m really mad I am a great kid”.

Then you will tap the sequence.  Use two fingers and lightly tap on each of the following points for about 30 seconds or more if you are feeling a release.  As you tap say one word that stands for the feeling you want to release.  Go ahead and feel the feeling as completely as you can.  

Here is the sequence.

Eye Brow - run your fingers against the grain of the eye brow until you hit the end and tap there.

Temple - the other end of your eye brow

Under Eye - There’s a bone under the eye socket tap here.

Under Nose - directly under the nose above the lip.

Chin - Just bellow the mouth

Collar Bone - find the knot round end of the collar bone near the center of the chest

Breast Bone - tap right on your sternum 

Under Arm - on the ribs under the arm right where the bra strap would be...

If you still feel the issue - try tapping the outside edge of each finger.

As you tap ask yourself “What is the worst part of this?”  Allow all the negativity to surface and be released.  Allow for the feeling to shift.  What may start as pain can turn to anger and then grief.  Each time the feeling shifts return to the Karate Chop point and repeat a new set up statement.  Know that you can be 3 inches away from the tapping spot and still cause a release.  There’s no wrong place to tap so if you are drawn to tap other spots, please do.

The goal is to tap the feeling to a place where it is manageable or simply goes away.  You may have to repeat it a few times for the shift to set in.  You can try this on physical discomfort.  It can be a great way to release pain, soreness, nausea, cramping or any sort of tension in your body.  When working on a physical issue be sure to ask yourself as you tap what emotions the feelings bring up?  Are you annoyed by your headache/  are you aggravated?  Frustrated? Angry at your body?  tap on any of these that ring true.  

To really embrace this powerful technique, I suggest you repeat it two or three times a day for the next 30 days.  This way you’ll remember that you have this tool the next time you find yourself feeling fear instead of knowing love.


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