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August 11, 2019 Past Life Regression Test

Is your soul nudging you to explore your past lives?  Is there a lesson you learned in a previous life that you need to remember right now?  Do you have a connection to a person or place or culture that feels deep and profound like it goes beyond this life?

Perhaps it’s time to explore your past lives.  You may have heard the often quoted phrase that “those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it”  What if that is true for our own past lives?

I’ve put together a little just for fun test to see if you’re being called to explore your past lives.

These are simple yes or no questions.  Circle the ones that are a yes then add them up and we’ll see what that means.

1. Have you ever visited a place for the first time, yet felt like you had been there before?

2. Do you have a strong draw to a culture, religion, ethnicity that is not your own?

3. Are there certain foods that absolutely repulse you without any logical reason?

4. Have you ever been so drawn to someone you barely know that you’ve been tempted to step out of integrity to connect with them?  

5. Do you have an unreasonable fear of phobia such as fear of heights, flying, the open sea, swimming, or claustrophobia?

6. Is there an ancient culture that speaks to your heart?

7. Have you ever been so deeply moved by a movie or book about another time or place that you grieved when your finished it?

8. So you ever awaken from a dream feeling like you’ve been in another familiar place or time with people you know?

9. Do you have a talent or interest that just came naturally to you or that you picked up with ease and required less study or practice than it did for others?

10. Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns in relationships over and over again?

11. Do you like to collect items for a certain time place or culture?

12. Have you ever been instantly repulsed in meeting someone with no logical reason?

13, Do you have an irrational fear of losing the ones you love to accidents or illness?

14. Have you ever read or watched a story that touched your heart in away it didn’t seem to touch others?

15. Have you ever experienced a bond with an animal that feels deeper and more profound than most other people?

16. As a child did you ever talk about places, people or cultures that you had yet to experience?

17. Are you particularly fond of music or art from other times, places or cultures?

18. Have you ever felt obsessive feeling for a person that didn’t make any logical sense?

19. Have you ever had an experience either so strange or so profound that you could not explain it in words?

20. Have you ever had a desire to smoke even though you have never and will never smoke?

21. As a child did you have a fascination with something that wasn’t a part of your families life.  Such as military aircraft, horses, medical equipment, tools from a trade unfamiliar to your family, etc.?

22.  When you see clothing from another era can you sense what it would feel like to wear it, or are you drawn to clothes of another culture time or place?

23.  Have you ever visited some place that felt from the moment you arrived like home even though you had never been there before?

24. Do you have moments of de ja vu?  

25. Have you ever been surprised by how deeply you were moved by a person, place or thing?

Now add up your yes answers.  If You answered yes to at least five of these questions then it’s likely a past life is attempting to make itself known in you current life.  If you answered yes to 10 or more then it is likely that your soul is nudging you to explore this a little deeper.   If you answered yes to 20 or more then I suspect you’ve already begun to explore your past lives.

A past life regression can help you make sense of some of the mystery that comes up when you answer yes to any of these questions.

If you’ve always feared heights it can be helpful to recall that life time when you were pushed off a cliff or tripped and fell to your death.  

If you continually fear that your friends or family might be hurt or die in accident, it could be deeply healing to remember the life time in which that happened.

If you are drawn to someone who makes you fantasize about having an affair or if you’ve found yourself stepping out of integrity to be with someone it could really help to understand the past life connection.

The stories of our past lives that come from regressions help us make sense of some of the profound connections to people and places, talents and passions that define our present lives.

I’ve been doing past life regressions both as a client and a practitioner since I was a child and have been surprised again and again by the depth and power of these experiences. (Save $100 on a past life Regression session)

If you’ve never experienced hypnosis or a past life regression before, then it’s important to know that the experience accesses your emotional and intuitive brain.   If you effort to manage your experience through your logical processing brain you may have a hard time.

Hypnotic experience is a lot like reading a book.  If when you read a story, you see clear images, and you hear the tone and sound of voices in your head as you read the dialogue then that might be the way you experience a past life in a regression.  If on the other hand you’re like me and you don’t really see or hear but you just kind of feel the story then that may be how you experience your regression. 

Because it involves the creative part of your brain it can sometimes feel like you’re making it all up.  I’ve had clients begin to doubt their recall and then go online and do some research and discover that they described a time and place perfectly during their regression and had no knowledge of these things before hand.  During the experience it felt like they were just making it up, but everything they made up was actually very real and accurate.

Just like reading a book you may find yourself moved to tears, or laughing out loud or gripped with fear.  You may find yourself completely lost in a story and lose all track of time.  

But just like reading a book while waiting for your flight in a busy airport you may not totally tune out the rest of the world.  In the airport you can be lost in a story and still keep an eye on your luggage and know when your flight is boarding.  In a trance you may also still be aware of the sounds in the room and know that you’re sitting or lying on a couch the entire time. 

Hypnosis is this rather ordinary state that we slide in and out of every day.  You may have watched a stage show, or seen something on TV that lead you to expect it to be extraordinary.  It can be, but most of the time it’s not that different than reading a really well written novel that takes you away.  

I enjoy doing hypnotherapy in person.  It’s great to be able to see the client and have control over the space, but it’s not necessary.  Some of the best work I’ve done has been done by phone.  Often clients are more comfortable in their own homes and go deeper without the distraction of my office or my physical presence in the room with them. 

If you’ve ever lost track of time on a phone call then you already know how hypnotic talking on the phone can be.  If you decide to do this work by phone, you’ll find using a good headset to be best.  It’s really important that the hypnotherapist be able to clearly hear your voice and for you to hear them.  

You also want to make sure your phone is fully charged and that you’ve got excellent cell reception or are using a land line.  

If your soul is nudging you to explore a past life regression you can book one on my calendar at this link.  

If you subscribe to my newsletter I do offer special pricing from time to time, be sure to watch for it. 
(Click here for my latest special offer !!!)


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