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The 20's Could Be Your Best Decade Yet

What do you want to create in your life over the next 10 years?  Are you in search of more love, more abundance, more fun, more adventure, enlightenment?  What holds you back?  Have you chosen your theme for 2020 yet?  "2020 is my year of _____" .  

It all begins with setting intentions.Here in Sedona we start every Soul Adventure with a Powerful Intention and light a candle.  When our clients get real about what they’re intending to create by their experience in Sedona the magic begins.  By the time we see them on their last day most have not only achieved their intended goals but surpassed them and surprised themselves along the way.

Now is the time to set your intentions for 2020 or the entire decade if you wish.  You may want to actually write them down. Studies have shown that written goals are far more likely to be met than the ones we just think to ourselves.  

Take a moment before the new year arrives to set some powerful intentions.  Write them down and keep them around maybe even post them some place where you will see them throughout the year or decade.

Then it’s time to let go of whatever holds you back.  In my experience it’s our false beliefs about ourselves and the world that are the real culprit.  It’s hard to meet our goals when we are under the illusion that we are not enough, or unlovable, or undeserving or not worthy.   When we go through life believing these lies we sabotage our own success and our happiness. 

Most of us picked up these false beliefs long before we could even talk.  Think about those people who you pretended to be.  The ones whose shoes you slipped into and walked around amazing the adults.  The ones who you looked up to as though they were Gods.  You know Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunts Uncles, Baby Sitters… you pretended to be them.  When you did you pretended to believe all the lies they believed about themselves.  

And how could you not?  Who are you to think you are lovable and worthy and enough when God doubts that she is any of those things.  Once we try on these lies we start looking through the filter of a false belief.  Through that sense everything becomes proof that there is something wrong with us. 

You spill your cereal and your father yells and you think you’re a failure because you’ve offended the Gods.  You dray your masterpiece on the walls of your bedroom and instead of being proud the Gods are horrified and your pride turns to shame.   You find the clippers and cut and style your sisters hair and instead of being grateful the Gods are grumpy and you receive their wrath. 

Then comes the outside world and judgements from teachers, coaches, and the cruelty of other children.  By the time we’re an adult we’ve made hundreds of faulty assumptions about the world and ourselves.  Then when a good friend doesn’t wave back we start making up stories about what we might have done and of course it’s all our fault because we’re not lovable, worthy, enough, deserving.   

How do you hake yourself free of the lies and wake up to the truth?  I take people back to the places they picked up these false ideas and relive them, rise above them, discover what is true and speak the truth to their wounded inner child.  We do all this while stimulating both sides of the brain and like magic the lies fall apart.  Truth wins and the blocks holding us back are released. 

Sometimes we need to just honor the negative feelings we’ve been having.  Feelings are to be felt not fixed.  I love to teach clients how to just feel their feelings and be done with them so they are free to rediscover their innate joy.  

Sometimes we come into this life with some interesting blocks that get magnified by the things that happen in our childhood.  I believe in past lives and with clients who share that belief we can release the past life trauma that continues to haunt them.  It’s often not as simple as your fear of flying being released when you remember the plane crash that took your life.  But it can be.  Past Life Regression is always interesting. 

Once you’ve set your intentions and cleared the lies and negative beliefs and karmic lessons then it’s time to connect with your soul and your future self and fall back into alignment with your life’s purpose.  

Your soul is more powerful than your ego so your purpose gets fulfilled no matter what actions you take in life.  But your awareness of fulfilling your purpose or life mission can come and go.  It’s much like rafting down a river.  When you’re looking up stream at where you’ve been it feels like you’re hardly moving.  When you’re bouncing around in the rapids you can lose all sense of direction, when you’ve drifted to the side of the river you may find yourself in stagnant waters feeling like you’re going nowhere.  The key to have your awareness at the front of the raft with your ore in hand to navigate the flow.  You let the river guide you, and move with the flow and it’s like magic,  

When you let your purpose drive your life with awareness it’s like being in the front of the raft in and aware of the flow.  Everything begins to unfold with grace and ease and coincidence and synchronicity.  You find yourself in the right place at the right time heading in the right direction. 

I love taking people back in time before their birth and connecting to the soul to discover ones purpose.  Then I take them forward in time to a place in the future where that purpose is served and they are living life in the flow.  it’s here that we connect with a future self who offers guidance wisdom and a way to stay connected to both your soul and your future self.

Then to make sure this all sticks and you’re continuing to apply what you’ve learned, there’s nothing like on going regular coaching. 

Now you can do all of this on your own.  We all can.  We have it in us to heal ourselves and you can use your own imagination to work through everything I’ve described.  And that said it’s a lot easier to do it with a good guide. 

When you’re ready to do some of this work.  Visit my booking page and select the parts of this journey that you need the most and the dates and times you want to do it.  I find most people only need to do each of these once and the on going coaching as long as it works for you. 
If you decide to do this before the end of the day January 1st 2020… you can use the HOLIDAY- HALF-OFF coupon code at the top of the booking page and save 50% on all of my sessions.  Or if you don’t know when you want to do the work but you know you want to do it and you want the bargain… buy yourself a gift certificate and use the coupon code HALF-OFF-HOLIDAY at check out.  The gift certificates follow all the possible sessions at the bottom of the page.  


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