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September 9th, 2019 Discover Your Intuitive Gifts & Abilities


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A Quick Way to Discover if you Really Do Love Yourself

If you’ve started down the road of self improvement, read any books, spent any time in therapy or done just about any work on yourself then you likely already know the importance of loving one’s self.   You’ve likely already heard, that you can’t truly love another until you fully love yourself.   That the emptiness you’re seeking to fill with the love of another first needs to be filled with your own love. If you’ve never read or been told this before, well now you know. If you already know this, are you really doing this?   Most of the clients I work with know full well the value and importance of self love.   They could likely write a blog post all about it.   But many have yet to fully believe they are lovable and as a result are not actually loving themselves or in most cases fear that they don’t truly love themselves. A part of this comes from having two brains,   the Intellectual and the emotional, the left and the righ...

June 9, 2019 - Ho’oponopono The Ancient Hawaiian Prayer of Forgiveness

Here is a powerful prayer from the Ancient Hawaiians that can create miracles in your life.  The Kahuna's believe that the energy you put out into the world comes back to you and whatever energy shows up in your world is the consequence of what you've sent out.  This prayer is about shifting the energy you put out to gratitude and love. Here is the prayer and it's four simple steps to create a powerful energy that transforms your world. Step 1: Repentance – I’M SORRY End the blame and claim responsibility for everything. You are responsible for everything in your mind. Once you realize that, it is only natural to feel sorry. This realization can hurt and you may resist accepting responsibility for things that look like they are happening outside off yourself. But everything on the outside is a reflection of something happening on the inside. Step 2: Ask Forgiveness – PLEASE FORGIVE ME This message may be to the one you’re in conflict with or to ...

July 7th, 2019 - The Enneagram as a Tool for Self Discovery

What’s Your Enneagram Type? Knowing the answer can give you powerful insight into who you are, how you interpret the world, and why you react to situations, people and and personality types in a particular way.   The Enneagram is a nine pointed star with a circle around it.   This symbol dates all the way back to the ancient Sufi’s and was brought into Europe during the crusades and used by the Catholic Church and then Russian mystic and philosopher George Ivanovich Gurdjieff.   Eventually this ancient symbol made it to America and each of the nine points on the star now represents a personality type.   There are 9 different ways of seeing and experiencing every situation and knowing your type can free you from some patterns and perceptions that might not be working for you.   Here’s a quick over view of the nine types and there are many tests online and ways for you to figure out your type but read a little here and see which sounds li...