My coaching slots are nearly full each week and I know my clients could all use more time and there are many that just can’t afford one on one coaching. I’ve decided to start offering group coaching calls. Click here to sign up.
When one person heals, we all heal. When you listen to someone else working through their issues you can’t help but apply the lesson to your own life. I’ve decided to give up two Saturday mornings (Sedona Time) a month to offer an affordable group coaching experience. Click here to see the time in your time zone and sign up.
For just $20 you can listen in and have a chance to participate in a call. We will go for an hour, and start each call by connecting to the vortex energy in Sedona and raising our vibrations then take a few minutes to celebrate what’s going right.
The rest of the call will be devoted to working through our challenges. Each participant will get their own unique dial in number and code and after the call I’ll e-mail everyone who registered a copy. That way if you miss the call you’ll still be able to listen in and get the benefit. If no one shows up for the call, I’ll do a powerful guided meditation and send that out.
I know that for some even $20 may be too much so I’m offering a way to experience not only the coaching calls but hours of past calls, guided meditations, and online courses I’ve taught for just $5 a month. Click here to check out my membership page.
I have at least 20 recordings available on the site right now and I’ll continue to upload my entire library over the next 30 days and then new group coaching calls will be added every other week.
Here are some of recordings all ready available -
Meditation Monday - Choosing Love over Fear
A meditative reminder to choose love over fear. This guided meditation is about the power of unconditional love for healing the planet and our world. Get connected heart to heart with your fellow humans and join in this healing energy for yourself and for the world.
Meditation Monday - Ending Self Sabotage
This guided meditation takes you on a journey to meet the saboteur that part of yourself that gets in the way of you reaching your goals. This is a great meditation for clearing subconscious blocks.
Connecting To The Other Side
We all have the ability to become mediums and connect with loved ones who have passed. In this guided meditation you will be able to connect across the veil to those on the other side and bring back messages of connection, love and hope.
Embracing Your Own Death
This powerful TranceBreaker meditation is tuned to the 7th chakra and releasing the ultimate fear of death. When you can let go of your fear of dying you can embrace the truth that you are more than your body.
My goal is to make my work more accessible to everyone and help you get the transformation you need.
I do have openings remaining for one on on 30 minute Spiritual Life coaching sessions for $99 or one hour sessions for $198.
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