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August 25, 2019 Tired of Waiting to Be Happy?

Tired of waiting to be happy?

The search for perfection and the drive to get things right and the fear of making mistakes are all a part of the toxic thinking that sabotages my clients ability to just enjoy their lives exactly as they are. 

Many of us have been taught that if we like our lives  or ourselves as we are then we are settling or compromising.  We have come to believe that being unhappy with the way things are is essential to creating and getting what we want. We are waiting for a time when things are better in order to be happy.  The problem is things rarely improve enough to stop the waiting and we’re postponing our happiness indefinitely. 

What if you were to just find life perfect just as it is right here right now?  What if instead of waiting for things to get better you allowed yourself to just be happy now?  Wouldn’t it be easier to make the changes you desire in your life if you were happy?  

I have worked with many clients who have told me they can’t be happy or love themselves at their current weight.  They share that they won’t even begin to be happy until they step on a scale and are ten pounds lighter.  

I have other clients who tell me they won’t be happy until they find their soul mate. “How can I possibly be happy with my life or myself until I’m in a healthy relationship?”

Others tell me how they won’t be happy until they are in a job that is truly in alignment with their life’s purpose and they are living their passion.  

Now if any of this sounds reasonable to you, I bet you too are stuck in a trance that doesn’t allow happiness unless things change.

Watching this strategy from the outside in other people’s lives, I can see clearly how it doesn’t work.  The person who withholds self love and happiness in order to release weight ends up tormenting themselves which puts them in a fight or flight response, slows digestion, increases stress hormones and makes it nearly impossible to lose the extra weight.  In fact they usually gain weight.

The person who can’t be happy without a relationship becomes so unhappy that they struggle to get out into the world and meet new people.  They have a hard time attracting a soul mate when they are buried in the negative energy of despair.  

And the client who is waiting to find their passion and shift their career in order to be happy gets lost and struggles to find their path through life because they turn away from joy.  They think they don’t yet deserve it or it would betray their dreams to be happy. 

The truth is our bodies lose weight more easily when we are happy.  We attract our soul mates with ease when we are happy, and saying yes to joy is how we discover our passion and our purpose in life and come into alignment with it. 

What if instead of waiting for things to change you allowed yourself to be happy right now?  You can love yourself and your life exactly as it is and want to have more, and  want things to be better.  You don’t have to be unhappy in order to get what you want.   Loving what is, will not betray your dreams.  Loving what is does not mean that you don’t want things to get even better. Being happy with your life, your body and your relationships doesn’t mean you don’t desire all of these things to be even better.  

We are all a work in progress.  Life is the journey not the destination.  There is no place where we arrive and get to be happy.  You have a right to be happy every step along the way.  Love every moment of your journey.  Give yourself permission to be happy right now.  

If this all seems harder than you think, maybe you need a little coaching.  I offer spiritually based life coaching sessions in 30 minute increments as often or as little as you need.  Learning to allow yourself to be happy with what is, is one of the many themes we work on in these sessions using all sorts of tools, many you’ll find right here in my blog. 

If you would like to experience my coaching here is a link to my calendar, pick anytime that works best for you.


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