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June 16, 2019 Inner Peace Through Finding Everything Interesting

We are human sorting machines walking through life putting everything we see hear and experience into baskets, “I like this”, “I don’t like this” “This is good”  “This is bad”.  Once we’ve figured out if something is good or bad or if we like it or don’t like it , we let it go and stop really observing or exploring it further.  What if we took a break from this sorting?  What would happen if instead of good, bad, right, wrong, like, dislike we just found everything to be interesting?

When I’m coaching or taking clients through my Core Belief Transformation process or even in Past Life Regressions and Future Life Progressions I find myself sitting without judgement just finding everything so very interesting.  This allows me to explore anything in a deeper way and begin to find what purpose it may serve and what opportunities might exist to help the client. 

For example, when in a Core Belief session we go back to a traumatic event in a clients life perhaps watching a father explode with rage and become verbally abusive towards his family I could understandably view this as terrible.  But that wouldn’t help the client.  Instead I find it incredibly interesting and with the clients help we explore what’s going on here.  What triggered this fight or flight response?   What is the fear or pain present in this father?  Isn’t it interesting that he’s turned his happiness and ability to be at peace over to his five year old daughter.  This sort of exploration often reveals truths the client had never considered before and slowly the lie that this fathers out burst had to do with the clients being unlovable, not worthy or not enough begins to melt away.

When we find something interesting, we can take a closer look and find the gift or blessing in any situation.  If we label it as awful, evil, despicable it is very difficult to pull it in close enough to really observe.  It’s like seeing an object on the sidewalk, once you’ve labeled it as dog poop you’re not going to touch it.  But if you find it interesting you might pick it up and pull it apart and find the diamond ring the dog had swallowed. 

I use this same “Isn’t this Interesting” view in my own life and it helps me avoid thoughts that are toxic to my happiness that come from judgements.  When I start thinking the “isn’t it awful” thoughts it’s really hard to stay in happiness, joy, love and gratitude.  If instead I’m finding it interesting I can usually stay in those higher vibrating emotional states.  

For example: if I wave at a friend, and he doesn’t wave back, I can find it interesting.  In that state of curiosity without judgement I’m more apt to make sure the friend actually saw me and to engage the friend in a conversation of discovery.  If I’m in the “isn’t this awful” mind set, I’ll start asking myself what I’ve done to cause this and before you know it I’m down a rabbit hole of negative self talk and story making that takes me away from my happiness and probably isn’t true at all. 

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is just for the next few hours, try finding everything interesting.  First off, you may be surprised by your constant desire to judge and sort your reality into the good and bad baskets.  Soon you will come to see how fascinating your world really is and you may discover the diamonds hidden all around you.  Let me know what happens.


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