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Showing posts from July, 2019

July 28,2019 Anger as Evidence of Self Love

Sometimes the most healing moment of a session involves the discovery of anger.   I have worked with thousands of people over the years who claimed to be unable to love themselves.   Who when we started a process said, “I fear I’m not lovable, I worry that I am not enough.”   But when we get back to a wounding moment from their past where someone has treated them as though they were not lovable or not enough their response is not consistent with the response of someone who does not love themselves and believes they are not lovable and not enough. Someone who truly believes they are not lovable, and I’ve worked with many, responds to unloving acts with resignation, grief, pain and sadness but not anger.   They say to themselves or to me, “I deserve to be treated like this, I’m not worthy of being loved, there’s something wrong with me, I’m not good enough to be loved.”   When we get back to one of those painful memories in which someone close to the ...

July 21, 2019 Tips for Raising Your Vibration

When you raise your vibration, everything else takes care of itself.   When you’re vibrating with the emotions, thoughts and feelings of joy, love, gratitude, appreciation and excitement life becomes effortless and so many of our problems seem to just take care of themselves or we just don’t define them as problems any more.   But how do you raise your vibration? One of my spiritual teachers, Bashar describes reality as a series of frequencies and that to shift our reality all we need to do is shift the frequency that we are vibrating at.   He says it is like a television with thousands of version of reality being broadcast in every moment and if we don’t like the experience we are tuned into all we need do is change the channel.   There are likely endless ways you can shift your energy and raise your vibration and most of them begin the same way with setting an intention to shift.   Just by intended to vibrate a little higher, you start vibratin...

July 14, 2019 Soul vs. Ego

I started driving a car before I could walk.   At least that’s the way I remember it.   When I was a toddler I would sit between Mommy and Daddy in the front seat of the car in my little booster seat playing with my very own steering wheel.   It was some toy wheel that attached to the dashboard and allowed me to believe that I was driving the car.   I remember it clearly.   I really thought that when I turned the wheel the car turned.   I thought I was really driving. My wise loving parents let me believe this.   They lovingly played along knowing of course my father was really the one driving the car.   I share this story not to show off my freakish ability to remember little things from my early childhood, but because this little story represents my experience of my life from the perspective of my soul and my ego. In this story my ego is the child who thinks he’s in control.   My ego thinks it’s the one driving my life. ...

July 7th, 2019 - The Enneagram as a Tool for Self Discovery

What’s Your Enneagram Type? Knowing the answer can give you powerful insight into who you are, how you interpret the world, and why you react to situations, people and and personality types in a particular way.   The Enneagram is a nine pointed star with a circle around it.   This symbol dates all the way back to the ancient Sufi’s and was brought into Europe during the crusades and used by the Catholic Church and then Russian mystic and philosopher George Ivanovich Gurdjieff.   Eventually this ancient symbol made it to America and each of the nine points on the star now represents a personality type.   There are 9 different ways of seeing and experiencing every situation and knowing your type can free you from some patterns and perceptions that might not be working for you.   Here’s a quick over view of the nine types and there are many tests online and ways for you to figure out your type but read a little here and see which sounds li...